Mission Statement
The mission of Dakota 911 is to serve and protect public safety by providing a vital communications link between the community and their public safety responders. We recognize both as our customers.
In furtherance of our mission, we are committed to:
• The highest standards of integrity and customer service.
• Efficient and effective acquisition and dissemination of information
• Accountability for performance and conduct
• Continuous improvement through professional development
Dakota 911 is a joint safety project established by a partnership between 11 cities and Dakota County.
Dakota 911 provides centralized state-of-the-art 911 and emergency dispatch services (police, Sheriff, fire, emergency medical) effectively, efficiently, and at a lower cost to taxpayers in all Dakota County cities and townships.
The partnership among the 12 Members began in late 2005. Members followed an aggressive schedule, which resulted in the opening of the Dakota 911 facility in December, 2007.